Tuesday, July 20, 2010

World... get ready for the JOSTER!

Hi everyone,

I'm Jo, Joey, Johana, Awesomeness, Coolness, All mighty, Sweetness (if you ask Dan what my name is). I'm here because Penny short aka Saltine aka Dan Wyatt invited me because well he wants to show off that he has friends...

Anyways I met this guy in high school... 9th grade actually =D! when i was trying to teach him how to dance... RESULT: NEVER HAPPENED -_-!.... but if u ask him he'll say hes the greatest dancer EVER, followed by a demonstration hehe.

MOVING ON... oh! dude loves to hug! i know right! seriously he should have been part of the the full house cast! he'll hug u because you're sad, because you're happy, because hes happy, because he's sad, because you're name is Jo, because is Tuesday, because is 2010, because is 9:00 am.... SERIOUSLY!! What else can I say about Fatso?? oh! one time i went to a stand up comedy that he did and i was his escort... it was pretty amazing let me tell you dude made me laugh... haha... Oh btw hes always doing that.. either hugging the shit out of people or making them laugh...

Oh well dudes and dudettes! i don't know what else to say... except I REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT SPORTS IN THIS BLOG... well except if i talk about the players and how hot they are..I'M IN =) alright well I'm out
-Jo the Great

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