Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oh hello, Colarado

This blog should be retitled "Alix Needs to Shut Up" because apparently I am the only one who blogs.

Anyway. Today is Day Four of the Wedding Road Trip. My aunt, my father's youngest sibling and only sister (there are 16 years between them) is getting married on Sunday. So to combine bonding time with travel, my grandparents decided to drive from Los Angeles to Estes Park. We arrived at noon today after leaving at nine on Monday morning.

A recap of Days One to Three:
Drove. Saw rocks. Took pictures of said rocks. Argued with little brother about stupid shit. Missed a Barca match. Hiked. Drove through mountains. Took pictures of mountains. Ate Minion Berry pancakes from IHOP (which I highly recommend - they were fenomenal!). Visited a canyon. Etc.

So here we are, in this fabulous house we've rented for the weekend. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms, two decks, billiards and foosball tables, two fireplaces, etc. It's gorgeous, and you can see the mountains from all the windows. Rocky Mountain National park is literally *rightthere*

The wedding is Sunday, but because it's a destination wedding, there's a whole slew of activities that my aunt and her fiancée have planned. Tomorrow morning is white water rafting, and Saturday I'm sneaking off and going horseback riding ALL DAY.

But enough about me. How are you, people who do not read this blog because no one loves us? How are you on this lovely morning/evening/afternoon? Good? That's good.

Alix out.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I love Dan Wyatt

As I mentioned (I think), I am currently in Guam. Which means I am far away from the land of American football, including Redskins training camp that Dan has been getting up at like 4 am to go to for the past few days. I actually wanted to go, which is strange because I usually couldn't care less. I am trying to get more into the sport and it was the perfect opportunity. But no. I AM HERE.

But Dan is there, which is a good thing because he GOT ME A SHOUTOUT AND AUTOGRAPH FROM ANTHONY ARMSTRONG! :D

So basically it's 1 pm here and my day has been totally made.

Dan is awesome.